Healing Ground Chiropractic Care

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Three years ago today, I opened the doors of Healing Ground Chiropractic Care in a tiny suite of an office building off of Colorado Blvd. My contract was ending with my previous employer and I had just 10 days to find a new office and transfer the care of my current patients. Incidentally, I was also three months pregnant.

There were a lot of reasons to stay with my old job. Security and convenience. I had less responsibility working as an associate to a supervising doctor. But in my gut, I knew it wasn’t the right choice. It was in my long term, best interest to do the hard thing and strike out on my own.

At the end of April 2016, I had a big vision of what my business might someday resemble and all the people I wanted to help. Maybe I would hire more health care providers and have a wellness center. I’d need rooms and tables and supplies. I’d need events to bring in new patients. I’d need to understand how to manage it all. Whenever an obstacle feels too overwhelming, I remember a favorite family proverb: “How do you eat a whale?” and the simple answer, “One bite at a time.” So that is where I began with my first bite, a 350 sq/ft office - a space just barely large enough for a treatment room and a waiting area.

My favorite part of focusing on the bite in front of you is that you never really know where the journey will take you. Yes, you begin with the goal in mind: help people get themselves out of pain. But the opportunities within those goals are endless.

As it turns out, I still haven’t opened a wellness center and hired more care providers. My dreams of helping as many people as I can haven’t changed, just the how. As times have changed, so has the way we can reach people. I am very excited to announce a new project and branch of the Healing Ground that is in the works: Healing Ground Movement.

This new endeavor will provide an online resource for those looking to learn more about their body, nutritious movement, and the ways we can bring functional changes into our everyday lives.

Later this summer you can look forward to:

  • Expert Interviews

  • Movement flows using yoga to engage every part of your body

  • Recommendations for amazing resources

  • Printable references for home

  • Growth inspiring newsletters delivered straight to your inbox!

To stay in the loop, be sure to check your inbox for updates in future newsletters and follow @HealingGroundChiro on Instagram. Join Healing Ground Movement on Facebook and invite your friends to come along!

I am in a whale of an undertaking and am excited to take that first bite!

Yours in Service,

Dr. Carly