Love Your Progress
Love Your Progress
It is now February 1, 2019 and statistically, 80% of the well intentioned New Year’s Resolutions have failed. Without getting too creative, I bet we can all list at least three phrases that follow a failed goal:
“I fell off the bandwagon.”
“I failed.”
Or the most gut wrenching of all… “I suck.”
The problem I have with these ever shaming taglines to mistakes is that they mark what should be a moment in time, a permanent failure. There is no Trope or Hat Tip to the honorable grit of dusting yourself off and picking back up again.
“I suck. I can’t.” That’s it. Aside from the damaging effects of shame and personal condemnation, phrases like this don’t solve anything. They create no movement, and allow for no growth.
What if, instead, we take a more global look at the why of it all? Or to put it a nerdier way: Turn Bad Days into Good Data.
Resolved to attend an after work HIIT class 3x a week, but just haven’t made it happen? What’s the good data that comes from a moment of not following through? Now we have questions and solutions. And yes, this comes with personal responsibility for not taking failure as an option.
Forgetting your change of clothes? Pack your bag the night before.
Always run down by 5:00? Grab a high fat, high protein snack for a 3:00 pick me up.
Can’t make it on time? Is there another gym or another time that doesn’t conflict as much?
Don’t want to go when it’s time? Change trajectory, maybe HIIT isn’t for you, but Pilates is!
Your back hurts and you feel you can’t keep up? Your body is telling you, you need support. Call for backup (ie. your Chiropractor, Personal Trainer, PT, or massage therapist)!
When we take time to ask questions and see every missed opportunity as a way to learn, we can slowly but surely move the needle on our health. This turns large rocks into manageable pieces, and those manageable pieces are transformed into the habits and values you can embrace.
“I tried!”
“I can!”
“I did!”
Don’t settle for all or nothing in your health. Stay curious and observe what’s making your choices difficult. Love yourself enough to know you can grow beyond these difficulties if you give yourself the right tools, support, and a little grace.
Always in Service,
Dr. Carly